Jenkins vs CruiseControl

October 19, 2021


DevOps is a fast-paced world with a lot of information constantly appearing. Choosing between different DevOps tools can be challenging, and people usually end up sticking to what they already know instead of branching out to other tools. Today, we will discuss two popular tools in the DevOps world, Jenkins, and CruiseControl.



Jenkins is an open-source automation server that is commonly used for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes. It is written in Java and supports over 1000 plugins.


Jenkins offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Easy installation
  • Web-based GUI
  • Scalability
  • Extensive plugin capabilities
  • Integration with various tools


Jenkins is a popular tool with a lot of flexibility, and as already stated, it comes with numerous plugins out-of-the-box. It also has a massive community and active support forums for questions and bug-fixing. However, these features come at a cost, and Jenkins can get CPU intensive, especially when used with several plugins. It can also be slow when reloading configurations.



CruiseControl is another open-source automation server that is used for CI/CD processes. It is written in Java and has been around for a while, being considered one of the earliest CI tools.


CruiseControl offers features, including:

  • Easy installation
  • Web-based GUI
  • Supports multiple source control systems
  • Integration with various tools


One of the benefits of CruiseControl is how easy it is to set up and configure. Although Jenkins's plugin feature is well-documented, CruiseControl also has a plugin system but with fewer options. It is also less demanding on computer resources and can be an excellent alternative for teams that use smaller devices. Overall, however, CruiseControl does not have the extensive range of features that Jenkins does, and the community support is smaller.


Both Jenkins and CruiseControl are viable options for CI/CD processes. The answer, as always, is that it depends on your specific use case. For projects with modest requirements and smaller teams, CruiseControl provides an easy-to-use and lightweight option. But for teams that require a tool with extensive features and an extensive plugin library, Jenkins is the clear winner.


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